
As one of my favorite mentors, Bill Daley, once said, making things is like jumping into an empty swimming pool that will fill up with water while you’re in the air. This is also true of teaching. For me, making and teaching art have become synergistic halves of a larger whole. Taking the leap over and over as an artist has taught me how to nudge my students off the diving board; seeing them jump renews my faith in my own work.
After teaching art at both private and public schools in Philadelphia, I now teach children and adults at my studio, the home of Mindy Flexer Art School. I love sharing my passion for art with students of any age, and am excited about inviting people into my studio to share the journey with me. I take each of my students seriously as an artist, whatever their level of experience and ambition, and give each one the freedom and support to hone their technical skills and their artistic vision.
I am acutely aware of being one of the links in the long chain of artists teaching other artists. We’re all in it together. Join us: www.mindyflexerart.com.