Earth, Sky, Water
a two-person show at
The National, a satellite gallery of InLiquid Art + Design
21 N 2nd Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106
September 28, 2023 - January 28, 2024, 10:00 am - 7:00 pm
Opening: Friday, November 2, 6:00 to 8:00 pm
RSVP here.

I’m delighted to share this show with my long-time friend and colleague Michael Williamson. We reflect on our individual identities and family histories, and the hope for personal and cultural transformation that’s offered by the contemplation of our current moment. These collected paintings parse questions of belonging, inheritance, and survival. A sense of interconnectedness between past and present, and among living beings on Earth, suffuses visual spaces which span the distance between what is real and imaginary, what is remembered and what is possible. Preview the show here.
Climate Conversations Postcards Make-In
November 18, 2 - 5 PM at The National
RSVP here.
Start a climate conversation by making some postcard art! Let’s enjoy each other’s company, listen to each other’s thoughts about the climate, and make postcards that invite others to do the same. We can write to family, friends, neighbors, and strangers, and see how connecting to each other helps us think about things that may be hard to look at on our own.
This workshop is family friendly, and refreshments will be shared. It will be led by me and Michael Williamson in conjunction with our exhibition, Earth, Sky, Water.
This workshop is part of InLiquid’s 40th North Parallel Preservation Brigade (40PNPB), a year of public programming focused on climate change and community. 40PNPB’s mission is to use art and community to strengthen our personal and collective resilience and ability to take action in response to the climate emergency. The 40th Parallel North, which travels from InLiquid’s Northeast Philadelphia neighborhood all around the world, is a beautiful example of how the hyper-local becomes global.